Teller Lite: On the Death of Harold Brown

With the passage of another Cold War “whiz kid” whose youthful technological prodigy was sacrificed on the altar of nuclear supremacy, historians are left to contemplate why. Harold Brown’s mentor, Edward Teller, epitomized the clinical paranoia that ruled the era, so much so that Teller became unemployable in the government he relentlessly militarized. By contrast, […]

Where’s Wernher?

Can you find the Nazi war criminal?










Apollo 8, 12/21/68

Google v. DARPA: AI on Different Planets

Concerns about harmful applications of artificial intelligence are “very legitimate.” Dangers posed by artificial intelligence are “not one of those things that keeps me up at night.” Guess which words were spoken by Google CEO Sundar Pichai and which by DARPA director Steven Walker. While the tempest-tossed masses may be forgiven for not even knowing […]

There Will Always Be a Dr. He

As the international scientific community adjusts its wig after the shockwave of the world’s first genetically altered babies, one thing is clear: self-regulation of research is always a pipe dream. He Jiankui is neither a “rogue scientist” nor “crazy.” He is not a Dr. Moreau. He carries all the credentials of his profession’s elite. History […]

On the Death of Ricky Jay, Magician

Long ago and far away, in an old collegetown in the land of prestidigital lakes, lived three damsels in a half-timber cottage. They had faces that could launch thousands of ships and the most handsome, strongest young men of the college gladly would have tried that and whatever else might possibly win even a single […]

M$-DO$: On the Death of Paul Allen

The stratospheric jackpot that poured into the lap of Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen transformed him into the kind of American hero that will take generations of historical consideration to bring back down to earth. Part of the zeitgeist that will have to be conjured is the culture of 1970s engineering that placed a technological revolution […]

B-21: “Raiders of the Lost Mind” Cont’d

The Congressional Research Service, which is supposed to help members of Congress understand the limitless arcana of American government, has issued an update on the B-21 Raider strategic bomber program. Although billions of dollars continue to pour into the project–one of the Air Force’s top 3 procurement priorities–since CRS’s last look, the research agency has […]

Friends of the Polygraph Zombie: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab

With the release of Christine Blasey Ford’s lie detector test record comes the revelation that proprietary (that is, secret) software developed at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, called PolyScore, was used to grade her performance as “No Deception Indicated—Probability of Deception is Less Than .02.” The gaping problem behind this sciencey statement, whether you […]

The Polygraph Machine: American Zombie

News reports that Christine Blasey Ford took a polygraph or “lie-detector” test last month in order to bolster the credibility of her accusations against Brett Kavanaugh breathe new life into one of the oldest zombies in American legal and political culture. The belief that polygraph machines can reliably sort deception from truth lives for eternity […]

Moose Drool, Really

Somewhere across this mighty land, four human beings are enrolled in a secret Department of Energy experiment code-named Moose Drool. They are numbered among 331 souls in a dozen classified research projects listed by a FOIA release to the Federation of American Scientists. Now secret science is not really science, of course, removed as it […]