Philosopher’s Stone 2025: Iron Dome Into Gold

A “dome” to defend the American homeland from missile attacks is just as fanciful today as it was in 1983, when Ronald Reagan announced his Strategic Defense Initiative “Star Wars” dream. Iron Dome, a catchy Israeli moniker for a very limited system, has now morphed into Golden Dome, which at least accurately expresses the protective layer this untold-billions program will place over the American military-industrial complex. Alchemists take note, this is how you do it in 2025.


Iron Domes and Old Nazis

And where better to be a dreamer of space weaponry than the last place on Earth still enthralled by the Nazi “rocket scientist”?


American Iron Dome—Return of the Junk Science

David Burnham, 1933-2024

Hawk-eyed reporter, digital age soothsayer, hunt country escapee, rare friend in the NYT Washington bureau shark tank.


Dark Side of the Moon


Lewis Lapham, 1935-2024

Generous editor, old guard menswear fashion plate, classic nicotine addict, friend across the decades.

“He had all the judges and politicians in his pocket”

Margaret Grade, 1951-2024

Rest in peace, good witch.

Olema, West Marin, January 2019

March 2018
