Tribeca Film Festival correction

In a weird twist on the old Wernher von Braun model for contradictory celebrityhood, Robert De Niro is now both a hero of cinematic art and a patron of fraudulent science. We may or may not learn more about where the money came from to make the ghastly, stupid anti-vaccination propaganda film Vaxxed, but at […]

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Taking a long sea voyage on a tramp freighter has a romantic ring, but the two decidedly non-tramp vessels that arrived today at the port of Tokai in northeast Tokyo would not fit the bill. The British Pacific-Egret and Pacific-Heron will be loaded with 331 kilograms of weapons-usable plutonium. They will then embark on a […]

Our Friend the Atom

On the fifth anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear power disaster:

97,324 people are still living as evacuees 400-500 tons of radioactive water accumulate onsite every day, stored in tanks that now number 1000 spent fuel assemblies are still inaccessible in 3 reactor buildings because of debris and high radiation levels the amount and location of […]

Iron Dome, buy one today!

The Israel Defense Forces–in conjunction with their U.S. military industrial subsidiaries Raytheon, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin– placed an advertisement in the Washington Post today for Israel’s $3+ billion anti-missile system, a gift from American taxpayers. The ad looks just like a news column, even signed by Jerusalem-based reporters William Booth and Ruth Eglash, with cool […]

History as a luxury item

A new regulation from the office of National Intelligence Director James “Not Wittingly” Clapper creates a high-priced menu for anyone who dares ask for the declassification and release of secret documents:

Sec. 1704.8 Fees.

(a) Requesters making requests directly to the ODNI shall be responsible for paying all fees under this regulation. (b) Requesters making […]

Taney and Scalia, RIP

There is an august statue in the otherwise lovely environs of Mt. Vernon Place in my native city that has puzzled me for most of my life. It honors Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1836 until his death in 1864. Taney delivered the infamous Dred Scott decision of 1857, ruling […]

Sayonara, Ice Wall

After two years of construction, $300 million, and a lot of fanfare, the wall of frozen soil that was supposed to solve Fukushima’s radioactive groundwater problem has been nixed by Japan’s Nuclear Regulatory Authority. “TEPCO is scattering a strange illusion” about the efficacy of the wall, warned NRA chairman Shunichi Tanaka last spring. Tests showed […]

Unha, ha-ha?

The contiguous paths of building rockets to launch satellites into space and/or carry nuclear warheads as ICBMs were blazed after World War II by the United States and the Soviet Union. For the first few years after the war, both superpowers exploited V-2 technology pioneered by Nazi Germany. By the mid-1950’s there was no technical […]

DDT fever

Fox News, National Review, the American Council on Science and Health–at long last, have you left no sense of decency? Their latest hue and cry is to bring back DDT, the most infamous environmental pollutant of the 20th century. As though there is no other way to control the mosquitoes that carry Zika virus. Nothing […]

Dr. BEIR VII: On the death of Herbert L. Abrams

“There appears to be no threshold below which exposure [to ionizing radiation] can be viewed as harmless.” This statement by Herbert Abrams, renowned radiologist and longtime professor at Harvard and Stanford who died last week, can be fairly characterized as fundamental bedrock beneath principled arguments against nuclear power, nuclear weapons, and the full panoply of […]