Someday, far in the future, scholars will look back in awe at the national larceny that is American strategic weapons procurement. The latest episode in a noir drama that stretches back to the years after World War I, when the services were learning how to milk Congress with defense appropriations as job acts, is the Air Force’s new “Long Range Strike Bomber” fleet. Developed in secret with an essentially bottomless budget (leave it to the Wall Street Journal to be led around by the nose by Air Force flacks, with the New York Times not far behind), the aircraft will inherit a nuclear doomsday mission that is even more divorced from reality today than it was during the Cold War. What happens to the integrity of managers and technologists when they go to work every day in sealed buildings with blank checks in their hands will once again be on display for anyone who cares to look at the result, other than just watching it fly over Yankee Stadium. Congressional Research Service investigators can issue “Insights” about this program until they are blue in the face, because history amply shows that there is no force in the land that can stop it.
Update 4/14/16: Wild blue yonder.
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