Kalashnikovs and TATP: still the same cheap, reliable, low-tech weaponry from last century. As the most lavishly supported intelligence services in the world continue to be foiled spectacularly by terrorists on the lowest rung of the ladder, old lessons remain valid:
- Terrorists don’t work to overcome particular anti-terrorist technologies. They choose softer targets.
- Instead of chains of command, terrorists form small fragmented cells for self-protection.
- When governments respond in conventional military ways to an unconventional threat, terrorists learn that they can get the attention of superpowers and control the political agenda.
- The number of destructive things that terrorists can do is far greater than can be defended against.
- Deterrence presupposes a rational adversary. Suicidal adversaries defy technological rationality.
- The use of high technology is tangential to solving the issues of terrorism, in the same sense that a well-equipped police force isn’t the ultimate solution to common crime.
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