1984: 30-year update

A new order from the Director of National Intelligence, James “Not Wittingly” Clapper, forbids all unauthorized contact between intelligence workers and the media regarding “intelligence-related information,” whether classified or not.  Media are defined so broadly that just about anyone not in a vegetative state might qualify.  The effect of this insidious nonsense?  Journalists will become just like spies, of course, adopting deep-cover identities.  I personally recommend going disguised as a creative writing professor, the most innocuous and anybody-can-be-one occupation ever conceived.

Clapper and Alan “Shocked Disbelief” Greenspan are the dream couple of our age.

Update: “Make no mistake about it, that is so broad it could cover unclassified information,” Senator Ron Wyden said on June 12. “My hope is we can get this corrected because I think it is going to have a chilling effect on intelligence professionals who simply want to talk about unclassified matters on important national security issues– such as how to reform domestic surveillance or whether our country should go to war.”

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“It goes well beyond professional news gatherers to include anyone who uses the Internet– the Internet–to disseminate any information at all relating to national security topics. So if someone is an employee of an intelligence agency and if they have a family member who likes to post or retweet articles about national security, suddenly having a conversation with that family member about important issues, such as NSA surveillance or the war in Afghanistan, could lead to them getting punished for having unauthorized contact with the media, which this directive says ‘will be handled in the same manner as a security violation’ regardless of whether any classified information is disclosed.”


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